The Ogunquit Trading Post, Clarks Corner, Ogunquit Maine
Our online shopping catalog features some of the most popular and unique gift items available from our family-owned gift shop on the coast in Ogunquit, Maine. Inside you’ll find great deals. Since 1952, the Logan Family’s Ogunquit Trading Post is known for the largest selection and lowest prices in the New England seacoast area. We also have the very popular, patriotic, red white and blue buoy birdhouse. This is a Maine made product.
For a FREE paper catalog with our complete line of Minnetonka Moccasins, leather hats, Old Salt figurines, Maine gift items and more, please contact us or Call Toll-Free Year Round: 1-888-202-4522
The Ogunquit Trading The Logan Family, Ogunquit Trading Post – Our Maine gift shop is located in Ogunquit, Maine. Providing fun & unique gifts to Maine residents and visitors since 1952. The Logan Family’s delightful gift shop, the Ogunquit Trading Post, is located in the beautiful New England coastal village of Ogunquit, Maine.
Ogunquit Maine, or “beautiful place by the sea” is well named: graced with several sandy beaches; a vibrant arts community; breathtaking panoramic views of the Maine coast along Marginal Way; and the quaint shops and fine dining restaurants of Perkins Cove.
The Ogunquit Trading Post
Route One, Wells Maine
MAILING ADDRESS – 97 Post Road (Route One)
Po Box 69, Moody, Maine 04054-0069
Phone: (207) 646-5654
Call Toll Free Year Round: 1-888-202-4522
or Email: